Monday, September 22, 2008

Aging Icons Look Bedraggled And Lose Their Shine. Let’s Not Emulate Them But Cling To Native Remedies For Rejuvenation

Your Place for Tickets:

Below is the image in its original context on the page:

The hardest part about a commando Rambo who’s aging
Is farting so loud to let the enemy know you are coming
And when you dance and weave like a Rocky Marciano
Make sure your dentures or adult diapers don’t come loose

Below is the image in its original context on the page:

Die hard was what happened to your ever receding hairline
Dye hard is when everything’s gone with the passing of time
Don’t worry, bald and all you still look good many times over
Just remember you’re not getting younger like Ashton Kutcher

Below is the image in its original context on the page:

Below is the image in its original context on the page:

You still looked good when you made that Indecent Proposal
Now you have to double the price and make another withdrawal
Demi likes them younger now and may find your deal so abysmal
She can’t kiss a face with more lines than the whole Panama Canal

Below is the image in its original context on the page:

What a big lie when you said you were beset by sexual addiction
Everybody in town knows your prostrate had gone out of traction
You wowed all the ladies since you walked the Streets of San Francisco
Now you are fair game to anyone who wants to steal Catherine from you

Below is the image in its original context on the page:

Be sure when you lift your foot to deliver a roundhouse whopper
That you’ve been to the john to purge dry your floppy big dipper
It won’t look good for the movie fans held breathless in the crunch
To see their aging portly and jowly hero with a smudge in the pants

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