Saturday, November 29, 2008


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To err is human. We are all prone to temptations of the flesh because of the tug of our physical and emotional desires. Pleasure has a corrupting force especially when the object of the desire is forbidden. The more taboo it is the more it becomes sinfully inviting. The older male tosses and turns beside his wife at night bothered by visions of the younger woman who could be the nanny, the sales clerk in the book store, or even the adopted daughter.

Oftentimes, the mature husband becomes heated in lovemaking with the unresponsive wife who could be caught in the beginnings of menopause. This is because in the back of the mind of the man the seductive visage of the temptress waiting in the wings rankles like a brewing tempest waiting to be let loose. The wife is surprised about the unusual passion of the usually stodgy hubby. That is a telltale sign that his whole being is in the throes of inner conflict whether to pursue all out the nubile object of his longing.

Once a morally upright man succumbs to temptation, he loses his respect for himself. This is especially so in the case of one who wields a moral ascendancy over the naïve paramour. It could be a senior statesman over a young intern or a respected director over a teenage stepdaughter. Remorse is felt after the purgative release of broiling libido which could be repeated over and over for the enjoyment of exhilarating sensations until all the pent up emotions are spent. After the enjoyment come the recriminations. Pity the adolescent lover whose personal and psychological well being are left in shambles.

The best test of love and the supreme measure of selflessness is forgiveness according to the Guru, Dr. Andy Villanueva, and Doctor of Souls. Reciting the Holy Mantras to obtain an enlightenment and peace of consciousness in the light of the Krishna Abba Father God brings one to a level of detachment from worldly indiscretions and plaints. Dr. Andy Villanueva is not only saying this to justify the thousands of extra marital affairs he engaged in during his wild youth as an Elvis Presley alter ego. He says his rambunctious escapades tore him apart as a person and he became whole only after embracing the knowledge of the Krishna Father God.

Forgive your husband or your wife unconditionally if you catch them fornicating with the neighbor’s daughter or teenage son. It is only an animalistic urge that passes with the release of bodily fluids. Some spouses get so riled up that their initial reaction to the expose is to get so aroused as to either commit masturbation or to get even by shacking up with the nearest convenient partner like a policeman or trucker on the road in the case of the woman or the office colleague in the case of the man. Grab the exploding emotions by the horns at the very beginning. Do not fight fire with fire.

Let true love reign supreme in the form of forgiveness and understanding. From there work your way up to resolving the issues and laying down measures so that the unfaithfulness will be nipped in the bud and such occasions do not recur in the future. Short of castration for the indefatigable womanizer, the best recourse is an elevation of soul consciousness that will bring the slave of worldly pleasures to a higher plane to be free from corruptions of the flesh. The most effective and quickest kind of relief is the peace and harmony given by chanting the Holy Mantras to the Krishna Abba Father God Almighty.

Let Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls and Guru, lead you to this unsullied spiritual evolvement. Email him at You may also reach him through . .

Friday, November 28, 2008


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Greed and materialism can enslave a woman to the point that she will stoop to use her female charms as a tool to obtain luxury, wealth, and fame. A lot of women marry for riches not for love. The worse part is when they make the exploited hubby a cuckold by having affairs with hunks secretly.

Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls and Guru found himself embroiled in this circle of fast life and fast women. Young budding starlets and models, even beauty queens have no qualms about going to bed with men of influence as long as they can squeeze favors from them. The Krishna Abba Father God beckons to these women to reform their worldly ways that desecrate their bodies. Embrace knowledge of God and they will be made clean again.

Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls and Guru has a special concern for women of the flesh or streetwalkers whether the high society type, the glamour mannequins of the fashion whirl, the show business celebrity want to bees, businesswomen who sleep with powerful men to seal deals, and the regular prostitutes. He says he made love to many of them as their secret hunk on the side. Whenever they can get away from their older patrons, they buzz Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, who back in his youth resembled Elvis Presley.

Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls and Guru invite these women to the Krishna fold. Their pure spirits do not deserve to be entrapped in their soiled material forms. Such a blemished state of the material form can cause the God particle inside the body to get entombed in the dark matter of space in the next life. Get a cleansing of the outer form by learning the mantras that give Glory to the Holy Almighty Krishna Abba Father God. Such a deep personal knowledge of God will free the individual from the laws of karma.

Join Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls and Guru in his sojourns to the peace and solitude of unspoiled beaches to recite mantras to the Father during beautiful sunsets and dramatic sunrises. Contact him by email at You may also send it to Wear an almost translucent sari on the beach and sway and pirouette in the white floury sands while humming the Holy Mantras with Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls. It will be an out of this world experience. Men who want to clean their bodies of materialism can join in the rituals too.

Attractive women don’t have to wear ash cloth and do wearisome penitential rites that detract and spoil their glamour. Giving Glory to the Krishna Abba Father God and chanting the Mantras that please Him will be enough to forestall the vengeance of the laws of karma in this dimension. Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, says that material girls are guilty of insatiable sexual appetites and can have multiple orgasms without let up for a whole day. He is talking from experience. These women can be freed of their guilt and cleanse their beings by taking care of their spiritual welfare.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Transvestites Can Come Back as Real Women in The Next life Or Connect to a Soul Consciousness in a Parallel Dimension Where They Are Actually Female

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Chanting the Mantra in Meditation to the Almighty Krishna Abba daily and getting real close to Him in a personal way can give the devotee a high level of soul consciousness that frees one of the restraints in this earthly existence. The multi dimensional reality opens up to the awareness of the disciple as he unites with the knowledge given by the Krishna Abba Farther God. If in his heart he desires to assume the flesh of a woman, his vision will bring him to that dimension where he is a true woman.

Dr. Andy Villanueva, Doctor of Souls, is the Guru of Meditations that makes use of a beautiful chanting of Holy Mantras to the Krishna Father which help transcend the limitations of the physical world in this life. It is a beautiful experience especially when done in a pristine beach with powdery white sands and gentle lapping waves from an endless ocean of blue that encompasses the horizon. Dr. Andy Villanueva has a special love for the beach as a site to undertake rituals to give Glory to the Holy Krishna. He says it is from the sea that man’s material form walked and plodded to the land that formed after underwater volcanic eruptions. Thus began the evolution of the human form.

Join Dr. Andy Villanueva in his Ministry of the God Particle. Spend overnight trips with him to the most bewitching beaches in the world and participate in an enthralling experience of reciting the mantras to the Krishna Father God with a beautiful sunset or sunrise in the horizon as backdrop. Send your application to join his Internet Congregation by email to and also to

The super strings vibrating with resonance in collusion with the electromagnetic, gravitational, and quantum fields in endless space opens the God particle which we are made of to assume living form through the symmetry of quarks and leptons as matter. Thus our body takes form over and around the mass less energy particle which emanated from the person of the Krishna Abba Father God. The vibration leads to many dimensions with parallel existences. Thus if an individual is a man in one dimension, an opposite dimension of reality accessible through ripples in the quantum field can find him a woman. This is especially true if in his devotion to the Krishna Abba Almighty God the Father, it is his heart’s desire to be so. Give Glory to the Almighty Father in your every day life and the soul consciousness will be yours.