Saturday, March 21, 2009

Standing In The Line of Fire And Taking The Hits With The Abba Krishna As Your Partner

The Uncommon USA Fly Right House Flag Set

Standing In The Line of Fire And Taking The Hits With The Abba Krishna As Your Partner

The cold breeze tingles on your skin with a sweep to wake the miniscule hairs. The dour languor of dawn stirring from the shadows of the dark night with a promise of light fills the panorama of heaven above. Half your thoughts lay buried in suspenseful reprieve. The waking in your eyes of the rest is still numb from the fitful sleep. It peers from the dormant cover with a hesitancy. You search for hope before you summon the resolve to step out again into the firing line.

Trooping the ranks of your thoughts and abilities finds gaping erosion of not only the line of defense but also the spark to launch into the offensive. The biggest damage of all is getting retrenched out of a job. That’s like getting cut off from the supply of blood to sap your strength by the alarming leakage in fast dwindling reservoirs. The surge of the bills and the ever streaming expenses don’t take time out to let you catch your breath. You wallow in self pity and cry out to the void to please give you one minute for a break.

Obama offers hope but that’s only a word that hangs in the air like a figment which you can’t grasp to reassure the kids that they can have their former lives back. Cut back here and plug holes there. The frenzied pace of a sinking ship is your everyday scenario. The wife is crying in the hidden corners shying away from your gaze. The children stare at you with a perplexity and anxiousness that like cartoons with bad times their own world had gone bust.

You have to believe there is a way. Not an illusion or more wrenchingly a delusion which pushes you over the edge to embrace measures which reek of inhuman atrocity both directed to self or to others That is commonly the last resort found at the end of your wits. Your capacity to deal with conflict is not limited by the brain. There are avenues beyond grounded rationality that fly upwards to the spheres of the imagination and to much higher inspiration.

There are indeed ramifications above the ground in reality and below ground in subterranean levels of the economy. Transcendental options include creativity, ingenuity, faith, hope, and love. Of course it’s not advisable to go too extremely underground and engage in the sinister aspects of the drug trade. Laundering of ill gotten wealth is also anathema because of the man made legislations which impose stiff penalties on such. Better is to engage in trade and render services which megaliths have abandoned because of their troubled lot.

You can’t imagine the limits of your endurance and your ingenuity. You have brilliance inside you that you never tapped before, Obama or no Obama. All you have to do is reach deep inside you to ferret it out and usher it into the open. The key to it is to focus inwardly to hear the core of your ability and talent which have been lying unused and untapped for so long. They have long been buried under a deluge of mind zapping bombardment from hypes and slants from all directions of multimedia marketing. They thoroughly convinced you that you cannot live without their gimmicks and their blandishments. You are a consumer and a work horse and not a person.

Not true, you say. I’ve had enough and I’m not going to take anymore, you shout outside the window. Listen to the Maha Mantra to the Abba Krishna and embrace His love. Then you can love your country in the rightful away like your forefathers valued it with their very lives.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Growing Old to Be a Benign Grandfather in the Light of the Abba Krishna and the Joys of Sophie Leveriza Lina

Unicorn Sticker

Bare necessities are barely met by my financial strait jacket. Hard assets that were inherited seem stuck in a quagmire and nobody seems to want to buy them. The writing in the web pays a pittance while the financial crisis all but dried up the sales commissions coming from affiliate programs. The cash flow doesn’t. I’m sometimes embarrassed to the wife that I can’t take her shopping or an occasional out of town trip.

There are two things that keep our spirits up. First is the absorbing immersion in the Internet. Being stranded in the abode for lack of logistics to explore the world is not so bad as long as you have a window into cyberspace courtesy of a laptop with a broadband hook up. The learning is fantastic. It seems you can enjoy all the information at the click of a mouse. Not to mention the social networking which make eight waking hours very short for marathon chatting.

To top it all we have a bundle of joy in our midst who seems wired to induce the continuous plastering of smiles on our countenance. My first and only granddaughter Sophia Gabrielle Leveriza Lina is three years old and came to us swaddled in ominous vestments until such parted to reveal the Abba Krishna’s greatest gift to our lives. Since she visited our lackluster world we have known none other but sheer happiness. Thanks to the Almighty Abba Krishna.

Sophie, we call her, is bustling with promise and talent. She can actually keep up with the lyrics of the songs and follow the dance steps in High School Musical. She can sing the themes of the Last Unicorn and the Lion king which she has taken to heart. And she is such a comedienne making us all laugh with her funny antics. I’ve not known a moment of dreariness or boredom since she colored my senior citizen and aging baby boomer phase.

My wife and I retire at night after praying and we go to sleep feeling so positive and upbeat about the pace and circumstances of our semi-retirement. We really don’t have anything grandiose to look forward to for the next day’s agenda except the usual run of the mill repetitive chores. Nevertheless, we feel excited to get up at the break of morning and log in into the computer and anticipate Sophie’s getting up to join us for breakfast.

Anything can happen from there.

We cling to the guidance of the Abba Krishna to keep us safe and show us the way.

We consecrate Sophie’s talents to Him as way of thanksgiving for the blessings He has seen fit to shower on our lives in the simplest terms.

We simply love at the lowest ebb. We shall simply love at the highest crest.

Such is the Way of the Father.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Do You Hear the Song of the Lord With Your Heart?

It’s too distracting to be too wealthy. You are too absorbed in the new gismos like the I Phone and the Blackberry. You can’t be too confident that your choice of a Ferrari over the Aston Martin was the right one. The bookings for the ski slopes at St. Moritz and the Swiss Alps are fast running out and your glamorous new wife, the third in a string, has not made up her mind about the tentative dates.

The highlight of your social climb is how close you can get to the Wall Street wise moguls to give you a tip and a head start in new financial inventions. When the rest of the world comes with a bee line to partake of the derivatives, you would have been there and gone back. You and your young paramour chuckle at and try to outsmart the best dressed and the worst dressed in celebrity gatherings with outfits worn only once with stupendous price tags.

You become cocky and look down with a superior mien learned from the old boys club on the travails of the less endowed and the struggling with their dispositions to run to the Churches for Divine aid. You were trained to assert yourself and use your training from the business schools to deal with earthly problems in a studied way. IT and computers souse your psyche with a preponderance of human achievement and prospective genius. The literature and the multi media themes you imbibe as modern morality are all packaged to serve marketing campaigns.

You sir have become deaf.

Now the world in not too rosy and you are beset by problems that cannot be solved with case studies from the MBA lectures. You have to part with your glitzy toys and take back the tools that properly belong to your bare hands and eke out a hardy living. The ways of your parents which you dismiss as endearing yet outmoded crunch on you with the flurry of a crisis. You have to smudge your nose in the basics and take the two-step to the beginning.

Discomfort makes all your antennae bristle and leap out high in the air to listen. You put your ear to the ground to gather the drumming of distant hoofs. Like the braves in the hinterlands you look for signs in the wind. Most important of all you shuck the din of all the game paraphernalia and the ear bursting MP3’s and turn to the sounds inside your heart and soul. And then there’s only you in all the silence striving to speak out.

Your mind is a wonderful being in its natural state without the encroachment of material ornaments. It can see its way clear to rise above problems and come out with solid solutions. The mortgage and the fancy cars are mind boggling dictates that can electrify you to go in directions that bring you around where you started. You could go around in concentric paths which don’t take you forward. It is better when you have a clear thinking head on your shoulders and a sharp vision to see the true pathways to the future.

You don’t have to pray to the Abba Krishna

Chanting is prayer. Chanting with music is enough glorification of the Father. Why do you need that? You need inspiration. Inspiration can make you creative. Creativity brings out your genius. You must begin to think in a magical way. It’s from inside you that comes out and benefits not only you but everybody else.

You can be the solution. Let’s hear from inside you.

Maha Mantra (promo) - Omkara

Line Pandora Powder Skis - Women's